Public Announcement
Update for City Council and our residents regarding the ongoing power outages affecting our community.
- Our Maintenance Crew is actively working to clear trees down blocking lanes on the south end of town.
- The charging site at City Hall is available in the front lobby for residents to charge electronic devices and store medications that require refrigeration.
- The Chevron station on Mt. Vernon/Barton is currently closed. However, Mobile and Arco gas stations on Barton Road by the 215 freeway have power and are open.
- LowBrow Ink, located at 22077 Barton Rd, Grand Terrace, is serving as a Warming Center and will remain open overnight. The site will be staffed by City personnel to assist residents.
- Terrace View Elementary lost power and will have minimum day today at 12:30pm.
- Building & Safety inspections are canceled until further notice due to the winds.
- All traffic signals are out. We are putting up stop signs at the intersections. Anticipate delays.
- Southern California Edison (SCE) has updated us that power will remain off at least until tomorrow morning, with a possibility of extending into Friday.
- We are also preparing to serve warm meals for dinner at the Senior Center. Further details, including serving times, will be shared soon.
We appreciate everyone’s patience as we continue to manage this situation. Additional updates will be shared on our website www.grandterrace-ca.gov and our Facebook page as they become available.
City Hall phone lines, (909) 954-5200, will be open until 7pm today.
Visit the following link for Southern California Edison Updates:
Thank you for your understanding during this time.