JANUARY 8, 2025
AS OF 4:00 PM
This is an update for the City Council and residents regarding the ongoing power outage impacting our community.
Power Status:
- Everything East of Michigan Avenue is currently without power. This includes the Stater Bros strip, Grocery Outlet strip, Walgreens, and CVS strip.
- Everything West of Michigan Avenue still has power.
*Power will be off throughout the night. We do not have an estimate for resumption of service.*
Additional Resources for Residents:
- Generators at City Hall and the Senior Center will be available to residents until 8:00 p.m. this evening and will reopen at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
- Low Brow Ink will be open and staffed by City staff throughout the night as a warming and charging center
- Residents in need of additional resources may contact 211 for assistance.
Maintenance & Cleanup:
- Maintenance crews are continuing to remove debris to ensure safety throughout the City.
- We have extensive limb drop and tree damage. We advise residents to be careful under trees as broken or dead branches may be dislodged.
- Most traffic signals are inoperable. Stop signs are placed at intersections. Please proceed with caution.
- The street sweeper is scheduled to clean main streets on Monday (1/13/25), this will include Barton Road, Mt Vernon, Pico, Michigan, Van Buren, Main, and De Berry.
- We will be emailing and postal mailing information on cost recovery from SCE to every business
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time. For emergencies, please contact City Hall at (909) 954-5200 until 7:00 p.m