Thursday, jANUARY 16, 2025,11:00 aM
Power Outage Update
We are pleased to inform you that as of yesterday, January 15, 2025, power has been fully restored throughout the city. Residents have continued to have reliable electricity through the night, marking the successful resolution of the outages that have affected our community for over a week.
As a result, we will be closing the warm centers that were established to provide temporary relief. However, we want to reassure everyone that our resources remain in place should the need arise again.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We also appreciate the efforts of our utility partners, city staff, and community members who worked together to restore power and ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.
Power Status:
- Southern California Edison (SCE) has posted on their Outage Status / PSPS map that power has been restored for the residents in Grand Terrace.
- If you experience a power outage moving forward, please contact Southern California Edison (SCE) directly at (800) 655-4555 for immediate assistance.
- For the latest updates, please visit https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status. Information is continuously updated by SCE and may change frequently.
Community Support
- Warm Centers: We have served approximately 6,500 unique visitors.
- Senior Center: We provided approximately 1,000 meals since the warm centers opened due to power outages.
- Water District: We would like to thank the Water District for their extraordinary efforts in keeping our water flowing. During the power outages this has been no small feat, and we are grateful for their diligence. Thank you again!
- CERT Team: The activation of the CERT Team was effective as of 1/8, over 60 hours was provided of their personal time. Thank you for your support, flexibility and dedication working with staff at the warm centers over the weekend and night shifts.
- Grand Terrace Community: We have an incredibly unique community here in the City of Grand Terrace - consistently coming together during times of need. Your support for one another is truly inspiring and amazing!