Public Works

Slurry Seal Before ImageSlurry Seal After Image



Capital Improvement Plan
The City of Grand Terrace has a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to identify, prioritize, and assign funding to major capital expenditures. The CIP was approved by City Council on August 23, 2022, and we are pleased to release the Capital Improvement Plan for the next four years. For more information, please follow the link here.

Planning, Building & Safety And Engineering Fees
For a list of Planning, Building & Safety and Engineering Fees, follow the link here.

Encroachment Permit Application

Street Sweeping
The City of Grand Terrace contracts with Clean Street for services. The Street Sweeping Zone Map details the zone your address is located. The street sweeping dates are the first, second and third Thursday of the month depending on your zone. Report a sweeping issue here or contact Public Works Department with questions at (909) 954-5195.

All residential and commercial zones are swept monthly. Barton Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue are swept weekly. Please do not park on the street from 6:00 am - 3:00 pm on your regular service day.

Reporting Hazards in the Public Right-of-Way
The City of Grand Terrace maintains over 1,500 street signs, directional arrows, and markers. To report a missing, damaged, or sign with graffiti, please contact our offices at 909-954-5195 or visit the link here.

Mount Vernon Slope Notification 9-19-2018The Public Works Division provides technical engineering related administration, review and support to its customer base. All street construction, drainage, traffic signal and street lighting plans are checked by staff to assure compliance with adopted standards and specifications.

The planning, development, design and implementation of various capital improvements projects are handled by this department. Technical advice is also provided to other City departments regarding engineering matters, capital improvements planning and construction.

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

On November 12, 2019, the City Council authorized and directed City staff to apply for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding from the California Department of Transportation, Office of Local Assistance (OLA) for the citywide Guardrail project.

HSIP 9 Application

Project Description:

The City of Grand Terrace will replace existing guardrails at high risk locations on Barton Rd., Mt. Vernon Ave., Vista Grande Way, and Vivienda Ave.
HSIP Project MapMAP 1 - City of Grand Terrace: Mt. Vernon Avenue and Canal StreetMAP 2 - City of Grand Terrace: Mt. Vernon Avenue and Barton RoadMAP 3 - City of Grand Terrace: Mt. Vernon Avenue and De Berry StreetMAP 4 - City of Grand Terrace: Mt. Vernon Avenue and Van Burden StreetMAP 5 - City of Grand Terrace: Mt. Vernon Avenue and Pico Street
Charging Stations


A roundabout is an intersection where traffic travels around a central island in a counter-clockwise direction. Roundabouts do not have bicycle lanes, so traffic must share the road. Vehicles or bicycles entering or exiting the roundabout must yield to all traffic including pedestrians:

When you approach a roundabout:

  • Cars in the left lane have the right-of-way. 

  • Slow down as you  approach the  roundabout.

  • Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists crossing the roadway.

  • Watch for signs and/or pavement markings that guide you or prohibit certain movements.

  • Enter the roundabout (heading to the right) when there is a big enough gap in traffic to merge safely.

  • Travel in a counter-clockwise direction. Do not stop or pass.

  • Signal when you change lanes or exit the roundabout.

  • If you miss your exit, continue around until you return to your exit. For roundabouts with multiple lanes, choose your entry or exit lane based on your destination as shown in the graphic. For example, to:

    • Turn right at the intersection (blue car), choose the right-hand lane and exit in the right-hand lane.

    • Go straight through the intersection (red car), choose either lane, and exit in the lane you entered.

    • Turn left (yellow car), choose the left lane, and exit.


Contact Information

Kamran Dadbeh
Interim City Engineer

22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Ph: (909)954-5192
Fax: (909) 824-6624

Monday & Wednesday
7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.