Business Licenses

Business Licenses

The City of Grand Terrace has transitioned to a new business license administrator - HdL
All businesses have been assigned new business license account numbers
To renew online each business will need the following:

a.       The new business license account number, and

b.      A vendor assigned Web Pin.

Please e-mail the Finance department at [email protected] with the business name and business address to request the new account number and web pin.

The deadline for business license renewals is extended to March 31, 2021.

For All Your Business License Needs, click here

Any person, firm or corporation conducting or carrying on business within the city limits shall be charged a business license tax based upon the following schedules.

Licensed Businesses
All businesses in the city must procure a license and are liable for payment of any taxes imposed by this chapter. (Chapter 5.04)

Business License Report: September 2019
Business License Report: June 2019
Business Licenses - On Hold or Issued after July 2019
Business License Listing Report: January 2019

Gross Receipts Tax Schedule
Each person conducting or carrying on a fixed business location located in the city shall pay a business license tax based upon their annual gross receipts as follows:

Business License Tax Gross Receipts

$30.00 flat rate Under $49,999
$50.00 flat rate $50,000 to $99,000
$70.00 flat rate $100,000 to $149,999 
$120.00 flat rate $150,000 to $199,999
$170.00 flat rate $200,000 to $299,999 
$220.00 flat rate $300,000 to $499,999 
$270.00 flat rate $500,000 to $699,999 
$320.00 flat rate $700,000 to $999,999
$320.00 plus $0.25 per $1,000 gross receipts over $1,000,000 to a maximum of $1,200.

Flat Rate Tax Schedule
Each person carrying on or conducting any business within the city and not having been specifically taxed under any other chapter of this title shall pay a business license tax levied at the flat rate set forth as follows:

Business Type
Outdoor festival, carnival, circus, itinerant food concessions
Fairs, circuses, special events 

and traveling shows per concession
Contractor, State Licensed General and Engineering 
All Others   
Dancing (Public, without charge)   
Dancing (Public for profit) 
Delivery by vehicle
Handbill distributor
Professional, outside (e.g., engineer,  physician, surveyor)
Real Estate Broker
Security Services
Service Company (e.g., landscape, pool service) 
Swap meet
Transportation, passenger
Business office
$ 25.00 per day
$150.00 per day
$20.00 per event

$150.00 annually
$80.00 annually
$25.00 per quarter  
$10.00 per day or $35.00 per quarter
$35.00 annually per vehicle
$40.00 per day
$40.00 per quarter
$80.00 annually
$50.00 annually
$80.00 annually
$50.00 annually
$80.00 annually
$50.00 annually
$50.00 annually
$1,500.00 per side annually

Failure to pay a business license tax when due shall result in a penalty of ten percent of the license fee on the last day of each month after the tax is due.  The amount of the penalty shall not exceed fifty percent of the amount of the license tax due.


Contact Information

Christine Clayton
Finance Director

22795 Barton Road
Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Ph: (909) 954-5200
Fax: (909) 824-6623

Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Business Licenses